Welcome to İstanbul

A Combination of Modern and Traditional

It is İstanbul's endless variety that fascinates its visitors. The museums, churches, palaces, grand mosques, bazaars, and sites of natural beauty are countless. While you’re relaxing on the western shores of the Bosphorus at sunset and watching the crimson evening light reflected on the other continent, it’ll become clear why so many centuries ago settlers chose to build a city on this remarkable site. In such moments, you can understand why İstanbul is truly one of world’s most magnificent cities.

İstanbul is Türkiye's most developed and largest city, with the latest discoveries indicating that the history of human habitation here goes back some 400,000 years. The purple years of İstanbul started in 330 when Emperor Constantine declared the city the capital of his empire – royal purple was the color of the Byzantine imperial family. Until 1453, when it was conquered by the Ottomans, the city served as the capital of the Byzantine Empire. During the reign of the Byzantines, İstanbul known at the time as Constantinople, was adorned with a number of great monuments, which made it the most magnificent city in the world – this was true even during the declining years of the empire.

See İstanbul

Every light in this city means a different story. Imagine yourself witnessing each of them in the heart of two continents. This city will look into your soul directly and make your experiences timeless.

Taste İstanbul

İstanbul is waiting for you with its unique tastes from bitter to sweet, sour to salty. Aside from its enchanting historical beauty, İstanbul is the right address even just to try new flavours!

Smell İstanbul

The past, the present and the future full of surprises give this city its fragrance. You will find your childhood in a flower, the excitement of the future in a delicious meal, and the beauty of today in the unique scent of the forest, sea and streets in İstanbul.

Touch İstanbul

Feel the texture of İstanbul in the details of an antique building, in the soft fur of a stray cat, in a tulip that fascinates with its color, or in an authentic silk fabric. İstanbul will touch you as you stroll through the streets of this city.

Listen İstanbul

Listen to the heartbeats of two continents! If İstanbul was a playlist it would play in shuffle.

Routes İstanbul

10 Vibes From İstanbul Like Locals

With its reservoirs that supplied İstanbul with water for many centuries after its foundation, its fountains, and rich fauna, today, Belgrad Forest serves as the city’s lungs. Roughly half an hour’s drive from the city center, Belgrad Forest’s running and cycling tracks make it a matchless destination for sports enthusiasts.

48 Hours in İstanbul

Straddling the Bosphorus Strait between Europe and Asia, İstanbul is etched with thousands of years of history, bearing the marks of the Ancient Greeks, the Persians, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Turks, and the Silk Road traders who've lived here over the centuries.

Otağ-ı Hümayun

YTÜ Davutpaşa Campus, Esenler, Istanbul




20-22 October 2022

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